Styling Your Wheelchair

woman wearing pink jumpsuit leaning on a graffiti painted wall with a girl in a wheelchair wearing a yellow jumpsuitMany of our clients use different wheelchairs according to their physical needs. Some love to add a little fashion by decorating and making the wheelchair a full extension of their outfit and personality. The way we see it, we choose the color and style of the cars we drive and the shoes we wear, so why not add a little fun into the mix with your wheelchair?

Festival Wheelchair
Bright colors, glitter, and fairy lights come to mind with festivals! Many festivals are held on muddy fields at night, so you must find ways to decorate your wheels to stand out as darkness sets.

You might consider using a wheelchair like the MID Lectus with mid-wheel drive, so it is maneuverable since you don’t want to run over dancing partygoers. You can also raise the seat higher for a better view.

Choose a snazzy color or use acrylic spray paint to add glitter. Stencils work effectively on side panels but take care. Spray paint may be hard to get off, and you don’t want to get it in the wheelchair’s inner mechanics.

Fairy lights are a fantastic way to, quite literally, light up your life! You can buy these in many colors and fiber optic options that change color periodically. Remember that many fairy lights are designed for indoor use only, so it might be worth buying outdoor lights if you’re thinking of giving your chair cool light-up features in the long run! A vibrant way to add even more sparkle would be to use a foil or tinsel curtain along the top edge of your wheelchair seat, as the metallic shimmer of the fringe would reflect the lights and add fun movement if you chose to join the dance.

Road Trip Wheelchair
Here’s a versatile style option that you could add to a chair that is folded and unfolded regularly, particularly if you are an ambulatory wheelchair user who needs a wheelchair part-time. Many of our clients who speak use their wheelchairs for longer distance travel, especially on holidays.

Whether a full- or part-time wheelchair user, you deserve to add fun style aspects to your mobility. One crafting material, washi tape, is available online or in craft shops. The name means “Japanese Paper.” Washi tape is waterproof and heatproof. You can wrap it around your wheelchair and exchange your design every few months.

If you are within this category of users who require a portable, foldable, and affordable wheelchair, then the Ergo Lite might be a good option. You can add fun cushions in bright colors for extra style, design, and comfort.

Whatever design or decor you choose, make it your own and have FUN!

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