What Does Giving to CCH Give YOU?
“When I give to CCH, I am so proud to help people gain greater independence, and most importantly, live life as fully as possible. Their pride and happiness are contagious.”
-Laura B.
When you join the Clinics Can Help circle of donors, you are among like-minded individuals who care about and want to make a difference in the lives of people with health challenges or disabilities preventing them from living at their full potential.
CCH donors describe giving through CCH as one of the most satisfying and joyful experiences they’ve known. Being part of transforming real lives, and seeing the results, keeps them coming back for more.
Why CCH Matters
Imagine a child yearning to move, grow and play like other children, but is denied that basic ability. Think of a loved one confined or reliant on others because they lack the simple support needed for independence. These people are real, and we see them every day.
“We are so grateful for Clinics Can Help! They provided our son with classroom equipment allowing him to be free from his wheelchair and not restrained in the same position all day. His equipment allows him to better interact with his peers and be involved in every classroom activity. Thank you for allowing Parker to enjoy school and be with his friends!”
~Allie Royal
Full-Circle Support
From birth to end of life, through ability and disability, CCH is dedicated to making life better, fuller and more complete.
Because if CCH wasn’t here, where would people go? Who would help?

Ways to Give With CCH
You can directly provide mobility, independence and dignity
through a variety of giving options customized for you.
Single, Monthly and Honorary Gifts
Share in the joy of helping babies, children and adults the medical equipment and supplies critical to their lives by giving once or on a regular basis. You may also recognize loved ones with a gift in their honor or a memorial gift.
Impact Gifts and Estate Planning
Many donors and clients wish to show their support or gratitude with a major gift or give through their estate. We can advise you about including us in your will or estate planning, so your legacy of support can continue for generations.
Please contact our development professional at Clinics Can Help to discuss your major gift or estate plan: (561) 640-2995.
Corporate Giving
Be recognized as a company transforming the lives of community children and adults. We are eager to create opportunities to highlight your support through corporate campaigns, employee giving and fundraisers.
Please contact our development professional at Clinics Can Help to discuss corporate giving opportunities: (561) 640-2995
Join us in improving access to healthcare for all people in our community! We invite groups and individuals to volunteer at our office and warehouse in West Palm Beach.
Other Ways to Give
Join Team Clinics Can Help, with alternative ways to engage and give back.