Clinics Can Help Provides Its Single Largest Donation to Date of Portable Cribs to Palm Beach County Families in Need

baby sleeping in mothers armsWest Palm Beach, Florida – Clinics Can Help (CCH) recently brought together several community partners with a common goal: to ensure safe sleeping spaces for infant and newborn children. On Tuesday morning, June 4, ten local organizations gathered at 2560 Westgate Avenue to receive donations of 600 new Pack’ n Play® portable cribs, far exceeding CCH’s yearly goal.

Owen O’Neill, CEO of Clinics Can Help, says his organization’s aim through this annual event is to help reduce infant unexpected injury or death due to unsafe sleeping environments. “If we can save the life of even on child, we’ve accomplished our goal. We’re thrilled that with these 600 cribs given away, we’ve exceeded our goal to distribute 1,000 cribs in 12 months. In fact, we blew past the goal by 100, reaching 1,100 cribs!” he proudly shared.

Ten local organizations received the cribs during the morning event, including Caridad Center, El Sol, Arc of Palm Beach County, Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies, The Lord’s Place, Adopt A Family of the Palm Beaches, Inc., Glades Initiative, Bridges of Highland, and Bridges of Belle Glade and Bridges of Pahokee. The cribs will go directly to families.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, over 4,000 babies in the United States die suddenly and unexpectedly every year while sleeping. Most of these tragic deaths are due to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) or accidental suffocation or strangulation.

As Florida’s leading nonprofit medical equipment and supplies provider for children and adults, O’Neill says CCH launched its CRIBS Project to help provide safe sleeping environments for newborns and infants in our area. The organization is committed to doing all it can to help ensure Palm Beach County children have a chance to thrive in life and have the dignity and independence everyone deserves.
To learn more, please visit

A vital resource in Palm Beach County and throughout Southeast Florida for families in search of medical equipment such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, nebulizers, and more, CCH provides access to critical equipment for thousands of children and adults who cannot afford it. The only organization of its kind in Florida and one of only four in the U.S. that provide a vast and diverse array of equipment, CCH makes a difference through a simple process of organized recycling. Please visit or call 561.640.2995.

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